Empowering Heritage Through Creative Technology In Malaysia : Umk Experience
The strengthening of heritage through creative technology is an essential process for building a national identity in the archipelago. In Malaysia, the ability to integrate heritage through creative technology is strongly practiced as it reinforces the cultural, artistic, and national heritage of the nation. The rapid development of the globalization era allows the free flow of culture, culture, and trust from various global societies (community 5.0), this capability largely depends on the role of creative technology in disseminating information. Today, the rapid development of digital technology in industry 4.0 has become a necessity in upholding the cultural heritage and it is an important issue and agenda in shaping the behaviours and attitudes of the nation's identity to build a sustainable Malaysian environment. Therefore, based on the experience of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), this paper will discuss UMK's efforts to leverage heritage through creative technology can serve as a medium to empower the arts and cultural heritage to build a sustainable Malaysia.