Meaningful Life in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran: Psychology of Literature Study


  • Dyah Prabaningrum Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Alfa Zulia Dwi Karina
  • Swarinda Tyaskyesti RSUD Lelet Central Java


Individual's desire to get the meaningful life is pointed toward meaningful activity. Victor Frankl is one of psychologist who study about meaningful life called logotherapy. According to Frankl [1], there are three ways individual can do to give the meaning for his/her life. First, giving the life to the living thing around. Second, taking the lesson through experience. Third is attitude toward the misery life. Novel is kind of literature that gives the whole picture of human life living. We can learn and take the wisdom through it. This paper is investigate the meaning of life in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran: Psychology of Literature Study. This study is using qualitative descriptive, with the psychology of literature approach. The data of this study is analyzed using the structure of literature called structural method. The result of this study is all the character in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran novel try to fullfil their life by doing meaningful thing to both society and nature.


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