The use of gambang Semarang music as a learning media for art and culture


  • Eko Raharjo Universitas Negeri Semarang


Today's education enters the era of the media world, learning activities require the reduction of lecture methods to be replaced by the use of many media. Especially in the current learning activities that emphasize process skills and active learning, the role of learning media seems to be increasingly important. Amid the swift flow of information, communication, and the sophistication of facilities and infrastructure to support the learning of musical arts, Karangturi National Middle School is still trying to empower Semarang gambang music as a product of Semarang's local culture in its learning process. This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the learning process of music art and the use of gambang Semarang music as learning media in Karang Turi National Middle School Semarang. The data obtained are qualitative data obtained from the results of literature studies, observation, study documents, and in-depth interviews with informants. The results showed that all Semarang gambang music equipment can be used as learning media for music, both learning to appreciate local music / song works, and expressing themselves through local music / song works.


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