Analysis of Socio-Economic Characteristics and Mapping TKI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) in Juntinyuat Subdistrict


  • Yuli Sari, dkk. Universitas Negeri Semarang


Indonesia has been known as the second country with the largest sending of labor abroad after the Philippines. Juntinyuat Subdistrict is one of the districts with the highest number of TKI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) shipments in Indramayu Regency. To facilitate the presentation of information about the distribution of Indonesian migrant workers in Juntinyuat Subdistrict, GIS (Geospatial Information System) technology is used. The use of this technology is used to make a map of the distribution of Indonesian migrant workers in the Juntinyuat subdistrict. This study uses data collection techniques by interview, observation, documentation and literature. While for data analysis using quantitative descriptive method. From the results of the study, it was found that the reason why the community decided to become migrant workers was because of the economically disadvantaged to meet their daily needs, the lack of employment in the surrounding environment and being migrant workers was a common practice for women in Juntinyuat Subdistrict. There are 12 villages in Juntinyuat Subdistrict, where the village with the highest number of TKI shipments is Dadap Village and the village with the least number of TKI is Segerankidul Village.


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