Use of Mobile Learning Applications to Support Paperless Classroom Pedagogy


  • Sri Wahyuni, Sri Wuli Fitriati2, J Universitas Negeri Semarang


The 21st century education is highly characterized by massive technology use known also as technology-enhanced learning. Researches on technology in education have uncovered that it helps students improve their digital literacy and language competence. Besides, it contributes to the effectiveness of English language teaching and learning activities. Use of learning management system (LMS) is also encouraged to support going green policy. These issues have been a trigger to explore more about the use of mobile applications for English instructional purposes. This paper aims to investigate use of mobile learning applications and how they are used to support paperless classroom pedagogy. Therefore, the research questions addressed are 1) What kinds of mobile learning apps does the teacher use for English instructional activities? and 2) How does the use of mobile learning applications contribute to paperless classroom pedagogy? To achieve the study aim, one English teacher of a vocational high school and 24 students were involved in this present study. The research data were obtained through observation, questionnaire, interview, and document review. In addition, Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) was employed as the data analysis method.


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