Critical Thinking Graphic Organizer to Enhance Students' Writing Skill
By writing, someone can express their idea, opinion, thought, or feeling. He/she may see a phenomenon, then it can be written critically. But many people think that writing is a difficult activity. They will be stuck to create the idea (s) or thought(s). Most university students assume writing is a difficult act because they have to write and analyze a phenomenon critically. This research proposes students to think and write some phenomena critically by using graphic organizer. The method is qualitative one to identify the using of graphic organizer (GO) among students. The participants are 30 students of English Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, UNNES in Indonesian Studies Subject. Data are taken from the product of students’ writing, fields note, and interview. The results show good progress in writing after students do some writing assignments by using GO. They can identify and describe some phenomena, and then analyze them critically. The main ideas and developing ideas are structured clearly. The sentences show the correlation from one sentence to the next sentence. Their writing develops well.
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