Proceedings Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education
<p>ISBN 978-623-7263-40-1</p>LPPM UNNESen-US Proceedings Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and EducationA case of Integrating Language Learning Material Design Course into Revitalizing a Degraded Residential Urban Neighborhood through the University Social Responsibility Program
<p>The Ministry of Education of Taiwan promotes the University Social Responsibility program (USR), encourages universities to fulfill their social responsibilities by conducting renewing and reconstructing nearby degrading communities. Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), located in Taoyuan, Taiwan, picked up an adjacent Xiao-Li community as a target. For many years, CYCU has invested manpower and budgets from many departments in the College of Design, the Department of Environmental Engineering in the College of Science, and the Department of Teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) in the College of Humanities and Education. Based on the research, some community services were then established, community culture and environment were preserved and renewed, the results provide magnificent supports for the sustainable development of the community. In TCSL department, a two-semester course titled “Interactive Chinese Learning material Design” was integrated into the USR program. The research results of the community from each department was taken as parts of the reading resource of the course. Students have to study it, to go to the community, and to rewrite it into the form of game style tour guides, digital novels, or even second language reading materials focus on the trip to the community. The results show the students are more aware of the history and environment preservation issues after the project.</p>Liao Yi-Yao
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-011117Empowering Heritage Through Creative Technology In Malaysia : Umk Experience
<p>The strengthening of heritage through creative technology is an essential process for building a national identity in the archipelago. In Malaysia, the ability to integrate heritage through creative technology is strongly practiced as it reinforces the cultural, artistic, and national heritage of the nation. The rapid development of the globalization era allows the free flow of culture, culture, and trust from various global societies (community 5.0), this capability largely depends on the role of creative technology in disseminating information. Today, the rapid development of digital technology in industry 4.0 has become a necessity in upholding the cultural heritage and it is an important issue and agenda in shaping the behaviours and attitudes of the nation's identity to build a sustainable Malaysian environment. Therefore, based on the experience of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), this paper will discuss UMK's efforts to leverage heritage through creative technology can serve as a medium to empower the arts and cultural heritage to build a sustainable Malaysia.</p>Azizan AT
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-0111510Preserving Culture through Literary Works and Their Translations
<p>Environmental conservation may cover various aspects of life in various activities from solving problems of pollution, creating green ecosystem, to preserving culture. Anybody has its own role in participating this consciously and unconsciously. Their environmental awareness depends on what they do for living. As for authors, their effort to keep our environment safe, harmonious to the surrounding can be implemented in their literary works like novels. What they write about people’s behavior, habit, tradition, indigenous teaching of certain societies in their works can be seen in a bigger scope as one of the efforts of conserving environment. The work of writing cultural products in their literary works can give greater impact to other cultures, to the world by the role of translators. What cultural products written in some Indonesian novels regarding an act of environmental awareness and what strategies of translation used to keep preserving these cultural products become the objectives of the research. The results show that strategies chosen by translators may reflect the quality and quantity information provided to the readership, to the world. The more detail information given in the target language the more qualified the cultural products shared.</p>Zulkifli Erlina Mahmud, dkk.
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01111115How to Teach Short Story Writing With Analogy?
<p>Teaching writing short stories is not an easy thing for most teachers. Teaching writing short stories requires perseverance to explain complex concepts understood. The concepts of short story writing are abstract, so students feel difficult to understand and apply them in writing activities. Analogy appears as a solution to these problems. This reasoning model makes it easier for students to understand abstract concepts. Therefore, a simple analogy analogy is needed to explain complex concepts. Learning using this analogy is designed to be easy to understand. The analogy is a short story builder element. In this way, students will no longer have difficulties in writing short stories.</p>Zulfa FahmyDiyamon PrasandhaTiti WuryaniTiti Wuryani
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01111618Meaningful Life in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran: Psychology of Literature Study
<p>Individual's desire to get the meaningful life is pointed toward meaningful activity. Victor Frankl is one of psychologist who study about meaningful life called logotherapy. According to Frankl [1], there are three ways individual can do to give the meaning for his/her life. First, giving the life to the living thing around. Second, taking the lesson through experience. Third is attitude toward the misery life. Novel is kind of literature that gives the whole picture of human life living. We can learn and take the wisdom through it. This paper is investigate the meaning of life in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran: Psychology of Literature Study. This study is using qualitative descriptive, with the psychology of literature approach. The data of this study is analyzed using the structure of literature called structural method. The result of this study is all the character in Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran novel try to fullfil their life by doing meaningful thing to both society and nature.</p>Dyah PrabaningrumAlfa Zulia Dwi KarinaSwarinda Tyaskyesti
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01111922Regional Origin Contribution to Learning Outcomes of Sundanese Dance
<p>The implementation of higher education is carried out through the teaching and learning process in the classroom, the teaching and learning process sometimes does not work as expected, this affects the achievement of learning outcomes. The background of students from various regions, both Central and outside Java, allegedly contributed to the achievement of learning outcomes. This study aims to find out, describe, and analyze Sundanese dance learning outcomes, the relationship and influence of regional origin on Sundanese dance learning outcomes of students of the dance study program of the Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Semarang. Library studies, observation, interviews, documentation, and performance tests are techniques used in the process of collecting data and facts of research. Realiability, validity of the research instrument was carried out before being used for research data collection. The data collected in this study was processed using statistical analysis, namely descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the characteristics of respondents' scores for each variable. For this purpose, the frequency distribution table, standard deviation, mean (average score), maximum value, minimum value, range (score range), coefficient of variance are used. Inferential statistics are used to test the research hypothesis. For this purpose, normality analysis, linear regression and simple and multiple correlations are used. The entire process of analyzing data uses the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 for Windows application program.</p>Restu Lanjari
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01112326Development of Learning Materials for Entrepreneurship Education Based on Cultural Conservation
<p>The implementation of the implementation of entrepreneurship education in higher education is carried out in a gradual and sustainable manner. In its journey, entrepreneurship education in universities has recently been studied on various occasions. Entrepreneurship education courses are compulsory courses for undergraduate level students. This certainly requires the creativity and innovation of the lecturers of each study program in preparing materials or teaching materials in the implementation of their recovery. This includes the dance education study program. In accordance with the vision and mission of the Semarang state university as a conservation university, this paper offers the development of learning materials based on cultural conservation of entrepreneurship through a soft development model which includes 1) Analysis of needs; 2) Material design and development; 3) Testing; 4) Implementation. </p>Utami Arsih
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01112729The use of gambang Semarang music as a learning media for art and culture
<p>Today's education enters the era of the media world, learning activities require the reduction of lecture methods to be replaced by the use of many media. Especially in the current learning activities that emphasize process skills and active learning, the role of learning media seems to be increasingly important. Amid the swift flow of information, communication, and the sophistication of facilities and infrastructure to support the learning of musical arts, Karangturi National Middle School is still trying to empower Semarang gambang music as a product of Semarang's local culture in its learning process. This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the learning process of music art and the use of gambang Semarang music as learning media in Karang Turi National Middle School Semarang. The data obtained are qualitative data obtained from the results of literature studies, observation, study documents, and in-depth interviews with informants. The results showed that all Semarang gambang music equipment can be used as learning media for music, both learning to appreciate local music / song works, and expressing themselves through local music / song works.</p>Eko Raharjo
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
<p>Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently being developed by the Government, carried out by inviting universities to begin implementing technology in learning design, which later underlies the implementation of blended learning practices at Universitas Negeri Semarang. The author has practiced blended learning by applying online classroom as a learning method in Aesthetic subject, that held in the fourth semester of the 2018/2019 academic year. In implementing blended learning, evaluation is needed to find out how effective the application of online learning as a method in blended learning in aesthetic subjects at the Department of Arts, Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The objectives in this study are 1) To describe how the design and implementation of Online classroom in aesthetic subjects, 2) To find out the results of student experiences from online classes in aesthetic subjects. This study uses a mixed method, using qualitative and quantitative. Experiences evaluation will be analyzed based on quiz data and assignments as well as surveys related to online classroom of blended learning using system. The results of experiential evaluation will be describe and analyzed based on data presented in graphical form. The results showed as follows, during the online classroom in blended learning as well as surveys given to students, it shows that the blended learning method is suitable for students in aesthetics subject. Students consider this learning method, and interested because it is not monotonous and they can create and use technology in lecture activities. In addition, the author also provides quizzes, assignments and discussion forums online. Quiz results and assignments given to students show that if they are able to obtain a good enough score, this indicates that the learning material uploaded by the lecturer is good enough for students to understand.</p>Ratih A PratiwinindyaTriyanto Triyanto
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-01113339Community-based Batik Conservation: Case Study in Omah Creative Pekalongan
<p>Batik is a world heritage that has been formalized by Unesco. As a product of Indonesia's original world heritage, batik is the pride of the community, thus encouraging one of the Pekalongan batik conservation communities, namely "Omah Kreartif". This research aims to explore community-based batik conservation strategies using case study designs. Omah Creative is a representation of arts education in society, which aims to preserve and develop the heritage of Pekalongan batik. The strategy used is collaboration between the community, batik players, and formal schools.</p>Eko SugiartoArif Fiyanto
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-012020-09-0111159162Characteristics of Movement of Klana Mask Dance Susunan Sunarno Purwolelono
<p>The birth of the "Klana Mask" dance as an artist's creativity is inseparable from the mental condition of the creator, both individually and in certain groups or communities, so that the dance that is born is a reflection of the character of the creator or reflection of the society in which the dance grows. This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the characteristics of the dance movements of Klana Mask, the composition of traditional dance artists, namely Sunarno Purwolelono. The data obtained are qualitative data obtained from observations, document studies, and in-depth interviews with informants. Motion analysis is carried out by using the Labanotation system (laban notation), to get a clear and detailed description of the movements in Klana Mask dance that contain characters in each variety of motion. The results of the study show that the characteristic of Klana Mask dance in Sunarno's arrangement is the strength of the junjungan feet, jojoran, and the lumaksana jajag. Various kinds of atmosphere displayed in Klana Mask dance include: gandrung, enthusiasm as a king, dashing, and bregas. The dance character's character is dashing, dashing, brave, bregas, and bregas cakrak. In Klana Sunarno Mask Dance includes elements of Sasanamulya's style of dance which has the characteristics of always being sigrak, dynamic, paying attention to motion techniques, large volumes of motion and giving dancers thefreedom to interpret.</p>Sestri Indah PebriantiDian Hastuti
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-0211Analysis of Socio-Economic Characteristics and Mapping TKI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) in Juntinyuat Subdistrict
<p>Indonesia has been known as the second country with the largest sending of labor abroad after the Philippines. Juntinyuat Subdistrict is one of the districts with the highest number of TKI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) shipments in Indramayu Regency. To facilitate the presentation of information about the distribution of Indonesian migrant workers in Juntinyuat Subdistrict, GIS (Geospatial Information System) technology is used. The use of this technology is used to make a map of the distribution of Indonesian migrant workers in the Juntinyuat subdistrict. This study uses data collection techniques by interview, observation, documentation and literature. While for data analysis using quantitative descriptive method. From the results of the study, it was found that the reason why the community decided to become migrant workers was because of the economically disadvantaged to meet their daily needs, the lack of employment in the surrounding environment and being migrant workers was a common practice for women in Juntinyuat Subdistrict. There are 12 villages in Juntinyuat Subdistrict, where the village with the highest number of TKI shipments is Dadap Village and the village with the least number of TKI is Segerankidul Village.</p>Yuli Sari, dkk.
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-02114550Use of Mobile Learning Applications to Support Paperless Classroom Pedagogy
<p>The 21st century education is highly characterized by massive technology use known also as technology-enhanced learning. Researches on technology in education have uncovered that it helps students improve their digital literacy and language competence. Besides, it contributes to the effectiveness of English language teaching and learning activities. Use of learning management system (LMS) is also encouraged to support going green policy. These issues have been a trigger to explore more about the use of mobile applications for English instructional purposes. This paper aims to investigate use of mobile learning applications and how they are used to support paperless classroom pedagogy. Therefore, the research questions addressed are 1) What kinds of mobile learning apps does the teacher use for English instructional activities? and 2) How does the use of mobile learning applications contribute to paperless classroom pedagogy? To achieve the study aim, one English teacher of a vocational high school and 24 students were involved in this present study. The research data were obtained through observation, questionnaire, interview, and document review. In addition, Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) was employed as the data analysis method.</p>Sri Wahyuni, Sri Wuli Fitriati2, J
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-02115154Critical Thinking Graphic Organizer to Enhance Students' Writing Skill
<p>By writing, someone can express their idea, opinion, thought, or feeling. He/she may see a phenomenon, then it can be written critically. But many people think that writing is a difficult activity. They will be stuck to create the idea (s) or thought(s). Most university students assume writing is a difficult act because they have to write and analyze a phenomenon critically. This research proposes students to think and write some phenomena critically by using graphic organizer. The method is qualitative one to identify the using of graphic organizer (GO) among students. The participants are 30 students of English Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, UNNES in Indonesian Studies Subject. Data are taken from the product of students’ writing, fields note, and interview. The results show good progress in writing after students do some writing assignments by using GO. They can identify and describe some phenomena, and then analyze them critically. The main ideas and developing ideas are structured clearly. The sentences show the correlation from one sentence to the next sentence. Their writing develops well.<br><br></p>Maria J A Widayanti, Henrikus J Yulianto Indrawati, Faza Lutfiyana Salma Nabila Putri
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-02115558Lexical and Cultural Meaning of Terms in Panggih Ceremony of Javanese Traditional Wedding Gagrag Surakarta
<p>This study aims to describe the meaning of the terms in gagrag ceremony of the Javanese traditional wedding of Surakarta. The data in this study are fragments of speech in the form of terms in the Javanese traditional wedding ceremony. The source of the data is the utterance of the Javanese traditional wedding ceremony. The method of the data collection in this study was a meth out referring to the tapping technique and proficient free involvement, as well as proficient methods with the firsthand skill technique. The method of referencing and the proficient method was carried out simultaneously with the recording technique and the note taking technique. The data analysis in this study was carried out by analysis during the process of collecting data and analysis after data collection. In this study 10 terms were found in the form of words, 19 terms in the form of phrases, 3 terms in the form of clauses, and one term in the form of discourse. Terms those are found to have good meanings for wedding, both as symbols and prayers. For the Javanese people, this meaning is a reflection of the culture that exists in Java. Through an understanding of the cultural meaning of these terms, the community becomes aware of the sacredness meaning of a wedding ceremony.</p>Listi hanifah, Irma Apriliyani Rahayu, Septian Rinata
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-02115962Tayub Dancers in Social Reality in Dusun Bulu, Kropak Village, Wirosari Subdistrict, Grobogan Regency
<p>Tayub is one type of art in several regions in the province of Central Java which until now is still preserved. Tayub is a type of folk dance with gamelan, which is one of its functions as entertainment. A tayub dancer has the main position in a show. Tayub dancers are the main actors who provide an aesthetic touch in tayub. The majority of tayub dancers are young women (under 30 years old). In Dusun Bulu, Kropak Village, Wirosari Subdistrict, Grobogan Regency, there is a community of tayub dancers who are still active. The tayub dancer in Dusun Bulu is organized in a studio. There are several phenomena or social realities of the life of tayub dancers in Dusun Bulu. The social reality of the tayub dancer is an accumulation of the times. Tayub dancers, on the one hand, are art agents who display aesthetics; on the other hand, they are also women who play a role in the household. Tayub dancers in Dusun Bulu represent women who have a dual role, namely as artists in the context of work and as housewives. They grapple with social reality: between life needs and pleasure. They realize that social reality (das sein) must be accepted as it is, but also used as a consideration in acting (das sollen).</p>Sunarto, Irfanda Rizki Harmono Sejati
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-022020-09-02116368Pragmatic Misunderstanding on Natural Disasters: A Discourse Analysis of Youtube Comments
<p>Indonesia has been the subject of natural disasters in recent times. The latest ones were earthquakes in Lombok and Palu. Those natural disasters are supposed to be understood accurately by the citizens. This kind of understanding is needed to improve the sense of disaster resilience. However, the samples taken from Youtube comments on disaster videos have shown that there are a number of inaccuracies of those natural phenomenon. These inaccuracies can be withdrawn from the pragmatic forces of the comments. Some comments containing inaccuracies have been categorized into the following types: (1) blaming the victims, (2) substantive misunderstanding, (3) discouraging victims and (4) hate speeches. Those types of comments have the potentials to lessen the citizens’ disaster resilience. This paper displays the possibility of connecting the dots between discourse analysis and disaster resilience model.</p>Hendi Pratama
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-232020-09-23116972Sight-Singing in Movie Method as Musicality Improvement in Solfeggio Mastery
<p>The purpose of this study is to measure the improvement in student musicality after obtaining the sight-singing in movie method in the solfeggio course. The significance of this research for students is to contribute to musicality thinking, considering that students will become prospective educators especially in the field of musical arts. The method used in this research is qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are the stages of reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion. There are four structured cycles towards the stage of mastery of solfeggio. They are is reading, listening, writing, and sight-singing in movie. The result shows that sight-singing in movie can improve musicality of solfeggio mastery. To be effective, the elements that are considered include aspects of content, duration of audio (music illustrations), form of film media, use of chords, characters, use of language, and assignments via video or film.</p>Nafik Salafiyah Tharifa Farhana
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-09-232020-09-23117374Solar Stove Usage Versus Charcoal for Sustainable Environmental Life Cycle of Madagascar Ecology
<p>Deforestation poses an immense threat in Madagascar ecology and biodiversity. The vast majority of household recourse to the use of charcoal as a main source of energy. This study examines the advantages and drawbacks from using charcoal and the challenges faced by the Malagasy people. It aims to underpin the traditional cooking habits in hope to combat the non-resolvable deforestation leading into sustainable preservation and conservation of its environment. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method trying to assess the alternatives between the use of charcoal and solar stove based on surveys and questionnaires from various households. Our analysis focuses on the real environmental life cycle of both techniques. Our results indicate that charcoal use seems to be devastative but generally responds the community needs but in decline during dry season in certain areas whereas solar stove is hard to come by in the majority part of the island<br>and less usable during rainy season despite it was evident that locals would consider to using it as an alternative source. It was noticed that there was an increase of 0.38% in the use of charcoal while solar stove spearheading to 0.55% compared to the last decade. Thus, it was perceived that less impacts on environment occurred due to the use of such technology.</p>Jean Jacques FaninaNadia Sigi PrameswariMenchie A. Dela Cruz
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-10-232020-10-2311202205Gores Application Based on Mobile Learning as a Supporting Media for Arts and Culture Learning for Junior High School Students
<p><em>Entering the era of the 2000s is a period that makes learning media meet the steep point. Students begin to feel bored with the media that already exists. In this millennial era learning media need to be promoted which are not only helpful in learning, but also media that is liked by students and attractive for them. The focus of this research is to design a mobile learning model with the theme Art and Culture as a supporter of Art and Culture subjects for Middle School students. This study took the subject of 7th grade students in SMP 20 Surakarta and SMP 16 Surakarta through the interview stage which was then continued with the design of the user learning application interface for mobile learning. Gores is a mobile learning-based application that has a function and purpose as a medium for student learning in Art and Culture subject. GORES is designed to be interesting and unique for children to teens. The role of the GORES application is as a student facilitator so they are be able to make drawings so as to encourage their potential and creativity in drawing. Teachers can be facilitated with this media because this media can be used by students through their own devices at the same time. This interactive process can support the achievement of learning goals that have been designed by the teacher, especially in terms of student activity in the classroom in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. </em></p>Muhammad SaudSri SumarniMohamad SuhartoNadia Sigi PrameswariDwi Maryono
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)
2020-10-232020-10-2311206210Conservation Eco-Lexicon Literacy of Teachers of Elementary Schools Around UNNES Campus
<p>Conservation eco-lexicon literacy is the capability of an individual who is at an environmental understanding level. The purpose of this research is to map the understanding levels of conservation eco-lexicon literacy of teachers of Elementary Schools around UNNES campus. This quantitative research employs conservation eco-lexicon questionnaires in the form of value and character pillar lexicon, art and culture pillar lexicon and natural resource and environment pillar lexicon as its instruments. The respondents of the research are teachers of elementary schools around UNNES campus, including Sekaran, Patemon, Kalisegoro, Mangunsari and Ngijo. Based on the research results, the highest literacy with the value and character pillar is eco-lexicon “environmentally friendly (ramah lingkungan)”, the highest literacy with the art and culture pillar is eco-lexicon „puppet (wayang)‟ and the highest literacy with the natural resource and environment pillar is eco-lexicon „conservation (konservasi)‟. Therefore, UNNES as a conservation university actually has potential and strategic role in developing the literacy of teachers of Elementary Schools around the campus.</p>Tommy YuniawanIda ZulaehaMeina Febriani
Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING Conference on the Environmental Conservation through Language, Arts, Culture and Education (CECLACE 2019)