Project Based Learning on Learning Model Vocal Technique Study: Digitalization- Based Learning Outcome Analysis


  • Hana Permata Heldisari ISI Yogyakarta


PjBL model, vocal technique, digitization, learning outcomes


The Project Based Learning (PjBL) model emphasizes on making projects from learning, teachers facilitate students to create innovative projects in the classroom.  Therefore, the PjBL model is very important to apply to vocal technique courses in order to achieve learning outcomes, as well as outcomes. Since the pandemic, the challenges of practice-based learning have been very high due to limited platforms and other things for online learning. However, innovation is needed in the learning process so that learning outcomes remain optimal, as well as student motivation remains high. This study aims to increase creativity and skills in the vocal field, as well as add to the learning experience through digitalization.  The research was conducted on fourth semester students of the Isi Yogyakarta Performing Arts Education Department using a one group pretest postest design. The results showed that the PjBL learning model is effective in improving the quality of skills and creativity in the field of digitalization-based vocals.  





