Imagery Training Model: The Effect on Lay Up Shoot Skills on Basketball Extracurricular Participants


  • Haris Kurnianto Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Dewangga Yudhistira Universitas Negeri Semarang


basketball, imagery, lay-up shot


Basketball has been introduced from elementary to high school and even college. Coaching and development of educational sports are carried out by paying attention to students' potential, abilities, interests, and talents, both through extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The main purpose of basketball extracurricular is to introduce the game of basketball. Layup shoot is a type of fundamental shooting needed by players to break through the opponent's guard or defense to get closer to the hoop to enter the ball, Some of the obstacles that are still faced by coaches in teaching extracurricular participants in doing layup shoot movements include movement coordination factors that are not quasi-controlled when doing lay up shoot movement stages and some factors affect lay up shoot skills. Aspects of psychology were chosen as a means companion to lay-up shoot exercises, including imagery exercises. The average score of the right post-test control was 4.40 and the right post-test treatment was 6.73. The average left post-test control value was 6.40 and the left treatment control value was 3.27. Conclusion The posttest value of the right treatment is higher than that of the kana control while the left treatment is lower than the left control. Based on the results of the data obtained in this study, the research still has shortcomings, namely the left lay-up shoot movement has not increased significantly. This study has limitations, one of which is that the sample used is relatively small, and there is no previous pretest data collection. Therefore, researchers are further advised, when replicating this study, to use a larger sample and take the pretest data as a comparison from the post-test data. In addition, imagery exercises should emphasize exercise specifications as a companion to skill exercises or as exercises to improve.





