Development of Pela Village Based on Sports Tourism to Improve Community Economic Income


  • Irfan Irfan STKIP Taman Siswa Bima
  • Sihana Sihana STKIP Taman Siswa Bima
  • Eko Agus S Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Slamet Widianto
  • Khairul A
  • Rabawan S
  • Sri S


Village development, sports tourism, economy


Pela Village has natural resource potential in the form of mountainous areas and the Pela Parado Dam area, but current tourist attractions are still limited in their ability to develop tourism potential in order to increase the number of visitors and increase people's economic income. From the existing problems, the development of the potential of Pela Village is based on sport tourism with the Village Sports Tourism Management System (ST-MAS). The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, the technique of determining informants (samples) is purposive to finalize and select informants. Furthermore, if additional informants are needed, the snowball sampling technique will be used. Data collection techniques were interviews, observations, document searches, data validity with time triangulation. The results of (ST-MAS) based tourism development research have an impact on increasing the ability of institutions to develop and plan work programs, increase the ability to guide tours, implement programs that have been planned. Able to understand how to evaluate and improve tourism services, review the achievements and weaknesses of tourism services, present a leadership spirit by communicating humanely in serving and guiding tours. There was an 83% increase in tourists, an increase in economic income, there were 4 UKM with an income of Rp. 500,000 per day, previously only 1 UKM. This increase is not the only one affected by the implementation of (ST-MAS), but there is increased public awareness in tourism as well as the addition of the number of sports tourism facilities in the form of flying fox and other facilities. Conclusions; 1) there is a significant influence on the implementation of (ST-MAS) in tourist sites, 2) there is an increase in the capacity of tourism awareness group organizations, 3) there is an increase in the number of visitors on tours, 4) the economic income of the community increases around tourist areas.





