Critical Systematic Review : Linear and Nonlinear What Is A Training Periodization Model?


  • Taufiq Hidayah Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Andry Akhiruyanto Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Dewangga Yudhistira Universitas Negeri Semarang


systematic review, periodization, training


Periodization is an interesting study for the world of sports, especially achievement sports because in periodization there are plans that are made hierarchically and must be passed from phase to phase. This study aims to conduct a literature review study with a type of critical systematic review. This is done on the basis of the author's doubts regarding the terms exercise periodization, and linear and nonlinear concepts. On the basis of these problems, the author conducts a literature review so that it is expected to provide reflective results. The term exercise periodization can be agreed upon as a macro management and organization by considering nutrition and recovery so that exercise gets optimal results, While the linear concept is programming that is carried out progressively related to intensity and volume but can only be used in the short term so that negative things do not happen in performance. Then the concept of nonlinear is programming with intensity and volume settings more often in each meso or micro. It is hoped that this knowledge will benefit practitioners, coaches, athletes, and subsequent researchers. The limitation is that the inclusion criteria for literature selection are not mentioned, and the literature used is relatively small so it cannot generalize the results well. Research methods are less comprehensive, data analysis techniques are just synthesizing and evaluating. Further research is expected to improve this research to make it more perfect.





