Analysis of Body Mass Index (BMI) Profile of Pekalongan City Pencak Silat Athletes
Body Mass Index (BMI), Pencak Silat.Abstract
In order to achieve optimal and unhindered performance during pencak silat competitions, it is important for an athlete to pay attention to the appropriate level of body fat. The condition of body fat is an important indicator in assessing athlete health, which is often measured using anthropometric methods. The aim of this research is to determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) of outstanding pencak silat athletes, with the aim of providing a general picture of their weight classification. Sample: The subjects in this research were the Pencak Silat athletes from Pekalongan City with a total of 11 athletes. Method: This research uses an ex– post-facto method. The instrument uses body weight and height to determine BMI. Results: The Body Mass Index (BMI) of Pekalongan city's pencak silat athletes shows that one athlete or 9% fall under the underweight category, nine athletes or 82% are in the normal weight category, one athlete or 9% fall under the overweight category, and there are no athletes in the categories of obesity and obesity II. Thus, the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of Pekalongan city's pencak silat athletes falls within the normal category, indicating good outcomes for their performance. One important predictor of motor skills is the combination of height and body weight; these two factors are crucial as they affect athletes' motor skills. Conclusion: Body Mass Index (BMI) is one way to assess athletes' body condition to prepare and maintain performance in both the short and long term.