Analysis of the Use of Dominant Techniques in Pencak Silat in the Competition Category After the New Regulations of 2023


  • Muhammad Rizqi Amin Trisnanto Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Muhammad Rizky Alfarizi Universitas Negeri Semarang



pencak silat, sabit kick, dominant technique.


Pencak silat is a branch of martial arts sport which consists of 2 categories, namely the sparring category and the art category. Kicks are one technique movement in the sport of pencak silat has high value and is one of the Techniques that are often used in matches. Use of kicking techniques in competition tend to be more effective at collection numbers and achievement of attack targets. The aim of this research is to find out the dominant techniques used by athletes in the new regulations, so that in the future the results of this research can be used to prepare specific training programs according to their needs. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, the form of research carried out is by recapping 10 pencak silat matches, then the data is summarized by analyzing the number of kicks in each match. The result showed that the use of the front kick technique is 12%, for the sabit kick technique it is 59%, the t kick technique is 24%, and finally the back kick technique is 5%. From the results of the statistical calculations above, it is concluded that the sabit kick is the attack technique most frequently used by athletes with a percentage of 59%.





