Lexical and Cultural Meaning of Terms in Panggih Ceremony of Javanese Traditional Wedding Gagrag Surakarta


  • Listi hanifah, Irma Apriliyani Rahayu, Septian Rinata Universitas Negeri Semarang


This study aims to describe the meaning of the terms in gagrag ceremony of the Javanese traditional wedding of Surakarta. The data in this study are fragments of speech in the form of terms in the Javanese traditional wedding ceremony. The source of the data is the utterance of the Javanese traditional wedding ceremony. The method of the data collection in this study was a meth out referring to the tapping technique and proficient free involvement, as well as proficient methods with the firsthand skill technique. The method of referencing and the proficient method was carried out simultaneously with the recording technique and the note taking technique. The data analysis in this study was carried out by analysis during the process of collecting data and analysis after data collection. In this study 10 terms were found in the form of words, 19 terms in the form of phrases, 3 terms in the form of clauses, and one term in the form of discourse. Terms those are found to have good meanings for wedding, both as symbols and prayers. For the Javanese people, this meaning is a reflection of the culture that exists in Java. Through an understanding of the cultural meaning of these terms, the community becomes aware of the sacredness meaning of a wedding ceremony.


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