Development Of Competency Assessment Instruments For Music Learning Management Of European Standard


  • Dian Herdiati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Dani Nur Saputra Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Cultural Arts and Skills subjects taught in schools are more concerned with creative, ethical and aesthetic attitudes and behavior, as well as understanding the role of Cultural Arts at the local, regional and global levels. While the assessment of teacher competence is an important thing that must be considered as a general proof to the community that schools can educate students better and more effectively. This study aims to develop a competency assessment instrument for managing music learning processes in junior high schools.This study uses development research methods using four stages which include preliminary stage which consists of analysis of existing assessment instruments, teacher competency analysis, literature study, and needs analysis in the learning process. Next planning stage, among others compiling product specifications, compiling instruments for comparison of existing and future evaluation tools, reviewing competencies in instruments, designing initial forms (prototype) product and development instrument products. Then the trial stage was carried out on students who take practical courses in teaching Music at the S-1 level, as many as five students as a sample. The last stage of implementation is apply the product that has been made. Results obtained from research This is that the assessment instrument developed is stated in accordance. This is evidenced by there is a trial of an instrument that has coverage aspect Theory evaluation which more complete than existing instruments. There is a new indicator in the developed assessment instrument, namely an assessment of the competence to manage and monitor the interaction of learning the art of music. The assessment instrument developed can be used as an evaluation or assessment tool in assessing the competence of teachers in managing and monitoring the interaction of music learning.





