
  • Syukur Rokhisnain
  • Syita Fatih ‘Adna


Kemampuan hitung Bilangan Bulat, Aktivitas Belajar Matematika, Model STAD, Edugame, Round Number Counting Ability, Mathematical Learning Activity, STAD Model


Matematika wajib diajarkan dari pendidikan dasar hingga pendidikan menengah. Namun demikian, Matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang menjadi momok bagi siswa. Banyak siswa yang mengeluh terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika. Siswa-siswa SMP Negeri 9 magelang khususnya kelas VII B masih tergolong lemah dalam hal berhitung. Selain itu, beberapa siswa terlihat kurang siap menerima pelajaran Matematika, beberapa tidak berani bertanya, kurang berani menjawab pertanyaan guru, serta hanya sebagian yang aktif dalam kegiatan diskusi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk (1) meningkatkan kemampuan hitung bilangan bulat menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD berbasis edugame, (2) meningkatkan aktivitas belajar Matematika siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD berbasis edugame. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi, dan tes. Hasil yang telah dicapai yaitu (1) persentase ketuntasan kemampuan hitung pada pra siklus sebesar 20%, pada siklus I sebesar 33,3%, pada siklus II sebesar 53,3%, dan pada siklus III sebesar 83,3%, (2) persentase aktivitas belajar Matematika pada pra siklus sebesar 40%, pada siklus I sebesar 54,6%, pada siklus II sebesar 71,3%, dan pada siklus III sebesar 84%, (3) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran guru menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD berbantuan edugame pada siklus I yaitu 67,5%, pada siklus II 82,5%, dan pada siklus III 85%. Kesimpulannya (1) terdapat peningkatan kemampuan hitung Bilangan Bulat menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD berbasis edugame, (2) terdapat peningkatan aktivitas belajar Matematika siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran STAD berbasis edugame. Sehingga, model pembelajaran STAD berbasis edugame dapat digunakan sebagai alternative dalam pembelajaran yang membuat siswa aktif.

Mathematics had to be taught from basic education to secondary education. However, Mathematics was a subject that is a scourge for students. Many students complained about Mathematics. Students of Magelang 9th Middle School especially class VII B were still relatively weak in terms of numeracy. In addition, some students seemed unprepared to accept Mathematics, some did not dare to ask, lacked the courage to answer teacher questions, and only some were active in discussion activities. This research is a classroom action research which aimed to (1) improve integer count ability using an edugame-based STAD learning model, (2) improve mathematics learning activities of students using edugame-based STAD learning models. The methods used were interviews, documentation, observation, and tests. The results that had been achieved were (1) the percentage of completeness of the calculation ability in the pre cycle of 20%, in the first cycle of 33.3%, in the second cycle of 53.3%, and in the third cycle of 83.3%, (2) the percentage of Mathematics learning activities in the pre-cycle was 40%, in the first cycle was 54.6%, in the second cycle was 71.3%, and in the third cycle was 84%, (3) the implementation of teacher learning using the STAD learning model assisted by edugame the first cycle was 67.5%, in the second cycle was 82.5%, and in the third cycle was 85%. In conclusion (1) there was an increase in the number ability of integers using an edugame-based STAD learning model, (2) there was an increase in Mathematics learning activities of students using an edugame-based STAD learning model. So, the edugame-based STAD learning model could be used as an alternative in learning that makes students active.





