Design and Build an English Furniture Vocabulary Learning Application Based on Augmented Reality


  • Ahmad Rifqi Asrib Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Muh. Ihsan Zulfikar Informatics and Computer Engineering Education Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar


Learning, English Vocabulary, Augmented Reality, ISO 9126.


The research aims to design and build an English furniture vocabulary learning application. This research is Research and Development (R&D). The method that used in this research was Four D by Thiagarajan which consists of four stages: 1) define, 2) design, 3) develop, and 4) disseminate. Software testing uses ISO 9126, which focuses on the characteristics of functionality, maintainability, portability, and usability. The results of testing the functionality aspect by expert validation show that the application is feasible to use. Testing of maintainability characteristics was carried out by software testing on the sub-characteristics of analyzeability, changeability, and stability, and the results of the tests carried out indicated that, in terms of maintainability, the application was good. Testing the portability aspect is carried out by running the application on several mobile devices with different Android operating systems, showing that the quality of the software in terms of portability has a very good scale. Usability testing research subjects were 32 respondents from students at MAN 1 Makassar, based on the test conducted the research subjects showed very good responds to the application. Based on the proposed characteristics of ISO 9126, the application is very feasible to use in actual situations and conditions.





