Meta Analysis: Effects of Android-based Interactive Learning Media on Student Learning Outcomes at Vocational High Schools (SMK)


  • Anni Faridah Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Ruhul Fitri Rosel Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Juliana Siregar Universitas Negeri Padang


Media, Learning, Interactive, Android.


Education is a conscious and planned effort carried out in the learning process. Vocational education is education that studies specific training that can be used in the world of work. The use of media in learning functions as an intermediary tool in the delivery of learning material. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of interactive media based on Android on student learning outcomes in vocational high schools. The method used is meta-analysis with a quantitative approach. An analysis of articles from 18 national journals that had ISSNs was carried out. Results Analysis show that usage of Android-based interactive learning media has a big influence on student learning outcomes in vocational high schools, with effect size of 1.14 (ES > 1.1). This proves that Android-based interactive learning media is effectively used to improve the learning outcomes of vocational high school students. Android media allows students to study anywhere and anytime without any time and place restrictions.





