Educational Opportunities for Stunting Prevention through Lesson Study (LS)


  • Kasmita Kasmita Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Titen Darlis Santi Universitas Negeri Padang


Educational, Stunting, Lesson Study (ALS), Health.


The lesson study concept has been used in the field of general education. Currently, lesson study is a concern in the health sector, as there are health problems that can be prevented through education, especially adult education. This makes it important to properly manage lesson study in adult education, especially mothers of young children. The purpose of this article is to summarisze previous studies from the literature on lesson study used as adult learning education by exploring applications that can be applied in educating adult learning. We aearched for information using keyword such as: education, adrology, Lesson study application techniques, health promotion, and adult learning media and methods. We used Indonesia and English articles/books published between 1970-2019. 68 articles were reviewed and extracted to: (1) reveal the reasons for implementing lesson study, (2) identify the benefits of lesson study, (3) describe facilitators and barriers mapping and community education. The result include such things as: training sessions, communication and helath literature, but in-depth studies on the effectiveness of such initiatives in the health sector are lacking. Therefore, the health sector in implementing lesson study needs to analyse their need to learn, design the strategies used, implement and evaluate the lesson study system used. While further research is needed to find the best way to implement lesson study in the health sector that provides a founfation to prevent stunting.





