Development of Outseal PLC-Based HMI as Learning Training Kits for Programmed Control Systems Subject in Vocational Schools
HMI 1, Training kits 2, ADDIE 3, PLC 4.Abstract
This research aims to produce a learning media product in the form of training kits used in programmed control system learning. This research is conducted due to the suboptimal implementation of practical learning in programmed control system for class XII at SMK Negeri 2 Payakumbuh, specifically in the Human Machine Interface (HMI) topic. One of the challenges lies in the absence of learning media that accommodates the outcomes of practical learning in the HMI subject. To address this issue, development research was conducted using the ADDIE development model (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). The average validation score obtained from material experts is 0.91. The practicality results carried out at SMK Negeri 2 Payakumbuh showed a practicality value from teachers with a percentage of 97.56% in the highly practical category. Meanwhile, the practicality percentage by class XII students in programmed control system learning was 88.31% in the highly practical category. The effectiveness value obtained from the development product of training kits using the N-gain score was 0.65 with a moderate category, indicating its effectiveness.