Development of E-Module-Based Learning Media to Improve Competence in Building Interior Design Practices


  • Kinanti Wijaya Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Nono Sebayang Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rizky Gunawan Harahap Medtan Cipta Utama


Vocational Education, Learning Media, Building Interior Design, Practice Learning.


Vocational High School is a level of education in Indonesia that prepares someone to be ready to work in the industrial world, so that the learning paradigm changes to become student-centered, in other words, teaching and learning activities refer to independent learning. The purpose of this research is to increase students' competency in building interior design practices through the development of valid and practical e-module-based learning media. This type of research is research and development. The development method used is the ADDIE model. This e-module is made using the Macromedia Flash 8 application which is presented in .swf format which contains material and competency tests so that students can use it as an alternative knowledge and source of independent learning. The results of the e-module practicality test in the "Very Practical" category have a score percentage of 95.81%. The validation results by media experts, material experts and language experts have a score percentage of 83.30% in the "Good" category.





