Analysis of Implementation of Apprenticeship Program in the Construction Industry


  • W. Widanengsih Architectural Engineering Education Study Program Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • L. Widaningsih PUI Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research Center (PUI TVET RC)
  • T. Megayanti Architectural Engineering Education Study Program Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Apprenticeship program, CIPP, Construction Industry.


The student apprenticeship program is part of every vocational study program's curriculum to provide practical experience in the industry. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the student apprenticeship program concerning the Kurikulum Merdeka (the newest curriculum from the Indonesian government), which provides opportunities for students to gain learning experience outside the campus. The research uses a quantitative approach with evaluative methods by analyzing context, input, process, and product aspects in the internship program implemented at the Architectural Engineering Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The study focuses on students who interned in 6 (six) construction industries, specifically on supervisory consultants and building contractors. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 40 (forty) students and interviewing relevant stakeholders of the study program, supervisors, and student advisers at the company. The study results show that the apprenticeship's input and product aspects are considered excellent, which means that the study program, as the organizer is ready to implement the student apprenticeship program. However, in terms of context and process aspects, they are still considered fair. This result concerns the management and cooperation of study programs with industry which have not been optimally established. Implementing student internships in the construction industry still requires improvement, especially in program management and conformity of guidelines with industry and student needs, so that learning objectives and student experience can be in accordance with the expected learning outcomes.





