The Influence of Teaching Factory on Student Competency Using Creativity as an Intervening Variable in The Construction and Housing Engineering Program of SMKN 2 Salatiga


  • Cholil Said Agil Husain
  • Listiyono Budi
  • Aris Widodo
  • Virgiawan Adi Kristianto
  • Bambang Sugiyarto


The Teaching Factory is one of the suitable learning models for vocational high schools. It combines student competence with production, where learning at school is conducted as it would be in an industrial/work environment by running service activities or production activities. SMKN 2 Salatiga is one of the schools that have implemented the teaching factory learning model, especially in the Construction and Housing Engineering expertise program, which includes making rosters, often accompanied by practical paving block production. This research aims to determine the influence of the teaching factory on competence through the creativity of 11th-grade students in the Construction and Housing Engineering program at SMKN 2 Salatiga. This study uses a quantitative approach with path analysis techniques. The conclusions of this study are: (1) Partially, the teaching factory positively affects the increase in student competence and creativity. (2) Creativity has a negative influence on the increase in student competence, and (3) The teaching factory learning model positively affects the increase in student competence through creativity as an intervening variable, although creativity cannot fully function as a connecting variable.





