The postcolonial paradigm is a condition regarding the sovereign rights of a country that has become independent from colonialism. However, in determining the path of national life, an independent country is still distorted by old thinking, namely when it was still in the colonial period. Indonesia, as a country that has become independent from colonialism, has firmly stated that 'independence is the right of all nations and therefore, colonialism in the world must be abolished because it is not by humanity and justice'. This is stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. As time passed, the Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation was born. Data were analyzed using the intralingual equivalence method to examine linguistic features such as meaning, information, and text. From a forensic linguistics perspective, the relationship between the content of the law and theories related to postcoloniality will be studied. From a legal standpoint, the relationship between the 1945 Constitution as the basis for forming legal regulations in Indonesia and the theory of legal formation in an independent country. The research results found that the postcolonial paradigm is still strong in the content of the articles in the law.