Women's Resistance to the Customary Practice of Captive Marriage in the Novel Women Cry to the Black MoonPAPER
Capture marriage, a traditional Sumba marriage tradition, is still on going. This ancestral heritage is prone to violent practices against women and causes trauma. In the tradition of capture marriage, without their knowledge, women are kidnapped in public places to become wives. This action shows that women's position is considered second class. This traditional practice that weakens women is challenged by female writer Dian Purnomo in her novel Bulan Menangis Untuk Bulan Hitam through the character Magi Diela. In the novel Magi Diela tries to show resistance to the customary practice of captive marriage which does not favor women. To find out the form of resistance of the female characters in the novel to these traditional practices, a critical discourse analysis research approach was used. This research is a type of qualitative research. The data is in the form of novel text fragments that are suspected of resistance. From this research, it was found that Magi had a form of resistance to the customary practice of captive marriage.